Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Students

It is amazing how intelligent humans are. This picture is an example of a whole-grain sponge cake produced by my students some of whom had never experienced working in the kitchen before. By following the simple instructions very closely, step-by-step, making accurate measurements of each ingredient, they could make a good sponge cake which is delicious and nutritious.
They didn't do to badly in the last exams, but none got excellent results. I should always strive to be creative in my teaching and presentation in order to make the lessons as interesting as possible and create genuine interest of the students in this particular subject. For me it has been a challenge to invoke students to discover their inner abilities and strengths and using them to achieve excellence in their work. I would like my class to be able to work as a team where each student is an effective and contributing team member. This creates an environment conducive for individual and group learning. A good and effective teacher should be able to create this learning environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larissa,
    That cake looks yummy! Hope you're not frequently staying late at night to prepare those lectures...
